Later that night, Plankton enters SpongeBob's head through a pore and makes his way to SpongeBob's brain. At night, Plankton attempts to make friends with SpongeBob by asking him for a Krabby Patty, but he loudly and boldly refuses and runs back home. Krabs' business rival, tries to steal the Krabby Patty formula for his own restaurant, the Chum Bucket. Plankton!: It is mass chaos at the Krusty Krab when Plankton, Mr.

As Squidward laughs about it, he is discovered and stung by the queen jellyfish again. The next day, the bandaged SpongeBob and Patrick go to the now life-support-bound Squidward's house to apologize, only to be chased away by the jellyfish caught by Squidward. The queen jellyfish chases after him, attacking him with a massive sting. He manages to catch the jellyfish, and bangs his net triumphantly against a queen jellyfish.

When they arrive in the Jellyfish Fields, a jellyfish stings Squidward, so he goes after it for revenge. Episode Description: Jellyfishing: SpongeBob and Patrick take Squidward, who is recovering from a bicycle accident in a full body cast, on a "jellyfishing" trip (a sport involving the capture of jellyfish).